Held Down, Expanding (2018)
A 14.2 speaker sound installation that suspends one audience member at a time inside a pitch-black structure, where abstract sound expands and contracts around them. The work was developed through a reflection on aspects of the wordless, non-narratable, felt-sense of the lived experience of trauma and so-called mental illness.
The Absence of Inclination (2013)
A short sound composition presented in various speaker configurations reflecting the “thickened perception” and inner flux experienced in states of depression and anxiety.
A 6-speaker collaborative sound, photography and junk installation with Camilla Hannan and Eamon Sprod, using field recordings gathered during a regional tour of Australia.
“At first I wondered why the room felt so safe. Then I realised it was because there were no windows” – Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
A 10.2 speaker sound installation the audience member must crawl inside to experience.
The Sound of Your Name is a Song (2000)
An 8-speaker collaborative installation with Polly Stanton, Andie Reynolds, Bruce Mowson and Sianna Lee using each others voices and names and source material for abstract sound composition.